Spring is here, and many people are thinking about tree planting, whether to add more shade or to replace trees that have been removed. As Portland certified arborists, we consistently field homeowners’ questions about replanting options. After arranging our Portland tree removal services for a tree lost to winter storm damage or disease, our customers […]
We’re heading into the season of colder, harsher weather. Are your trees ready for the coming storms? Even a seemingly harmless windy day can make a weak tree a hazard to your home and family. Given that bare trees are easier to inspect, fall and winter are definitely good times to keep an eye on […]
Spring has bounded into the Portland area! As blossoms emerge, it’s time to conduct the following basic tasks for the health of your trees. So as to give your trees a long, productive growing season, it’s best to complete these tasks early in the season, in March and early April. Let’s take a look at […]
Fall is an excellent time to plant trees, but which ones? Some tree species should be generally avoided. Other trees are problematic when planted in Oregon. In this post, we list trees to steer clear of, while also giving some tips about tree care in Portland. Tree planting can be an enjoyable fall activity but […]
Any homeowner who has gotten a notice from the City of Portland to repair their sidewalks, or else, knows how contentious of a battle it can be for trees and sidewalks to co-exist in the city. Tree roots lifting the concrete slabs can be a major headache. Not only are the quotes from concrete contractors […]
Tree pruning, when done correctly, should result in safe, healthy and beautiful trees. A certified arborist is trained to understand when a tree needs to be pruned and why, but also skilled in proper tree pruning techniques. If you’re unsure what you are doing when it comes to DIY tree trimming, it’s always best to […]
Wondering how to take care of all the gorgeous trees on your Portland property? Check out this infographic on pruning, geared toward Portlanders who are thinking of DIY tree pruning. Learn about hardwoods and conifers commonly found around the Rose City. Understand the goals of structural, ornamental, and fruit tree pruning. Recognize common pruning myths, […]
Pruning, when done correctly, should result in safe, healthy and beautiful trees. DIY tree pruning seems like a simple enough idea, however, there is more to it than simply dusting off your old garden tools and hatcheting away. A certified arborist is trained to understand when a tree needs to be pruned and why, but […]
Starting in January 2015, most Portland tree removal projects will require a permit, in accordance with the city’s new Title 11 tree legislation. The Title 11 Tree Plan (or the Citywide Tree Policy Review and Regulatory Improvement Project as it is formally known) was passed in 2011, but full implementation was postponed until 2015. Title […]
What is the value of a tree? Not in a commercial sense, per se, but a broader sense. There are so many ways that trees enrich our lives and enhance our communities, some you may be aware of, and others that will come as a surprise. Our expert tree care specialists give a breakdown below. […]