Trees in the Spring tree care tips for spring

Spring Tree Care Tips

TL;DR: Spring is the perfect time to care for your trees in Portland. Key tasks include cleaning up debris around the tree base, inspecting for damage or disease, planting new trees, mulching and watering properly, and fertilizing as needed. Fertilization is crucial in urban areas due to nutrient depletion, with options ranging from chemical fertilizers […]

Emergency Tree removal

When is the Best Time of Year for Tree Removal?

TL;DR: The cheapest time to have a tree removed in Oregon is during winter or early spring (February–March) when demand is lower. Tree services often offer lower rates during this “dormant season,” making removal more cost-effective. Additionally, frozen ground helps minimize environmental impact. Beware of extremely low bids, as they may indicate subpar service. While […]

hose water in front of trees

Rules for Watering Your Trees (by Season) From A Leading Tree Expert

This summer has been a scorcher. Drought conditions and sizzling temperatures have spurred the Oregon Department of Forestry to remind residents to water trees. In a July press release, the department emphasized the importance of consistently saturating the area beneath a tree’s drip line to mitigate the effects of hot, dry weather. In the same […]

Spring Tree Fertilization The What, When, Where, and Why

Spring Tree Fertilization The What, When, Where, and Why

Spring tree fertilization is common as most trees have their greatest need for nutrients in the spring. In Portland this spring application usually happens in March or April as, rainy, cold weather wanes and sunny weather begins to show its face. Trees in the city need fertilization because many of the natural processes that take […]

Tree City USA Logo

Oregon’s Arbor Month in April!

The Oregon flag shows the state seal, with four Douglas-fir trees; the flag’s flip side features the only tree-chomping engineer in nature, the beaver. This symbolism says volumes about how important trees are to our state, from both aesthetic and economic perspectives. As Paul Ries, manager of the state’s Urban and Community Forestry Program puts […]

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