Why mulch? Because mulching improves water retention, optimizes soil temperature, and reduces general stress on plants and plant roots. Mulch also keeps weeds out and prevents soil compaction. Finally, mulch adds to the quality of the soil as it decomposes. In this article, we’re exploring all things mulch, from proper mulching technique to types of […]
Green spaces are aesthetically pleasing. Whether you’re looking to boost your home’s curb appeal, or hoping to bring in new customers, attractive landscaping is a must. Moreover, trees and bushes benefit the environment while also reducing heating/cooling costs. Let’s take a closer look at the advantages of luscious greenery around your home or office. Portland […]
Sudden Oak Death (SOD) is a serious disease that often necessitates tree removal. It is caused by the plant pathogen Phtophthora Ramorum. SOD spreads by air and water; its most common transmission method is to splash onto other plants via rainwater. Since the mid 1990s, SOD has killed millions of trees in Oregon and California. […]
Unfortunately, certain tree myths lurk in the minds of many homeowners. Today we’re taking a look at some of the most pervasive (but completely untrue) myths about tree care. Myth #1: Tree Topping Reduces Fall Hazard, while Improving the Health of Struggling Trees. The Truth: Tree topping is deadly for all trees. Period. In reality, […]
Mature trees are some of the most beautiful and awe-inspiring natural features on a piece of property. Their sheer height and multitude of gnarled, curling branches never fail to capture the attention of passersby. These trees can be fairly sensitive to changes in the environment surrounding them, so they require a high level of care. […]
As nearly every Portland certified arborist is well aware, a new Portland tree code named “Title 11 Trees” is rolling out on 1/2/15. Title 11 Trees is part of the Urban Forest Plan, which aims to “protect the health, safety, and general welfare of the citizens of Portland” by “enhancing the quality of the urban […]
It’s fall in Portland—apples are blushing, pumpkins are ripening, and the last round of roses bloom. As kids go back to school and the weather turns crisp, your trees are in need of attention. Just as you prepare your home for cold, wet winter temperatures with winterization, your trees will do best with winter preparation, […]
While you are looking to improve the curb appeal of your home, you may be inadvertently doing harm to your trees. Here are some otherwise normal home care activities that you need to be cautious about. 1. Mowing your lawn. Most homeowners think nothing of bumping against their trees when mowing their lawns. But it […]
Detection and Prevention Dutch Elm disease (DED) is an unfortunate fungus that is spread by our native elm bark beetle and European elm bark beetle. This disease has devastated magnificent elms with their beautiful, spreading canopies throughout the US. Anyone that loves and appreciates their community and the urban forests we live in; should take […]
Tree planting brings many urban benefits. However, an improperly selected or placed tree can also cause serious problems. For instance, tree roots can clog or even break lateral sewer lines. Read on to discover how tree roots clog sewer lines, what to do if this occurs, and how to prevent roots from causing sewer problems […]