Urban Forest Pro Tree Removal Cost in Portland OR

How Much Does Tree Removal Cost in Portland, Oregon?

Jump to: Average Cost of Tree Removal, Contact Us, Reviews If you are trying to do some research to determine the average cost of tree removal in the Portland, Oregon area, you might find that the prices vary. There is not always a “one size fits all” for a tree removal price, because it depends […]

Emergency Tree removal

When is the Best Time of Year for Tree Removal?

TL;DR: The cheapest time to have a tree removed in Oregon is during winter or early spring (February–March) when demand is lower. Tree services often offer lower rates during this “dormant season,” making removal more cost-effective. Additionally, frozen ground helps minimize environmental impact. Beware of extremely low bids, as they may indicate subpar service. While […]

tree laying on house and car after storm

What to do When a Tree Falls on Your House or Property

Storms are a fact of life in the Portland and Vancouver areas. Snowstorms, rain storms, wind storms – they make the news, can disrupt our lives, and occasionally knock down trees. And when they do, the safest thing to do is call a tree service company experienced in emergency tree removal. If you haven’t dealt […]

Wood Chips

Urban Forest Pro Project Spotlight: Where Do the Wood Chips Go?

It’s fall, and seasonal delights abound. Here at Urban Forest Pro, we’re making autumn stellar with wood chip donations. If you’ve ever wondered what happens to all the wood chips from our pruning and Portland tree removal services, now you know. We donate them to farms and events. For instance, Urban Forest Pro was able […]

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