Blue Jay

How You Can Attract and Conserve Urban Wildlife

Last month, two bald eagles found themselves stuck together in a Portland tree for several hours. Officials from the Audubon Society and Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife arrived to help free them. While seeing one, let alone two, bald eagles in your tree may be a rare occurrence, the environmental problems associated with urban […]

bee pollinating tree blossom

The Current State of Bee Health & the Impact on Trees

Rachel Carson’s 1962 landmark work Silent Spring spurred a whole generation to take action against DDT pesticides. In that book, Carson showed how careless, widespread pesticide use killed insects and the species that ate them, including many songbirds. Carson also connected pesticides to many cancers. Today, millions of bees die each year. While their demise […]

Urban Forest Pro arborists planting a tree

Transplanting Your Trees in the Fall

There are many reasons to move a tree. Perhaps you need to transplant because a tree is causing property devaluation in its current location. It might be interrupting the sewer line, scratching your home’s siding, or continually blocking drains with leaves. Or you might want to move a plant simply because the tree will work […]

Tree City USA Logo

Oregon’s Arbor Month in April!

The Oregon flag shows the state seal, with four Douglas-fir trees; the flag’s flip side features the only tree-chomping engineer in nature, the beaver. This symbolism says volumes about how important trees are to our state, from both aesthetic and economic perspectives. As Paul Ries, manager of the state’s Urban and Community Forestry Program puts […]

Teaching tree classes outside

Beyond the Classroom: High School Students Plant Trees and Learn

Who says learning only happens indoors? Beaverton students recently took the classroom outside–and left a positive, lasting impression on their local ecosystem. About 100 eighth-graders from Beaverton Health and Science School went to the Willow Creek Greenway to learn about Oregon’s native species and plant trees along the creek bank. They got their hands dirty […]

Trees improve home value.

The Benefits of Adding Green Space to your Property

Green spaces are aesthetically pleasing. Whether you’re looking to boost your home’s curb appeal, or hoping to bring in new customers, attractive landscaping is a must. Moreover, trees and bushes benefit the environment while also reducing heating/cooling costs. Let’s take a closer look at the advantages of luscious greenery around your home or office. Portland […]

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