Certified Arborist doing tree work next to a home

The Effects Trees and Shrubs have on Siding

Siding protects and waterproofs your home. Any structure lacking strong, snug siding is vulnerable to weather and pest damage. As Portland tree care specialists, we are passionate about adding trees to the urban canopy—but not at the expense of structures. If trees and shrubs are too close to siding, damage is likely. Portland Certified Arborists […]

Trees that Add Color to Your Winter Landscape

Trees that Add Color to Your Winter Landscape

Winter is here and the days are short and gray. Even though the weather is blustery, there is still plenty to appreciate in our urban forest. There may not be many flowers, and most of the colorful leaves of autumn have fallen. However, wintertime also brings unique opportunities for color. Winter interest plants can create […]


A Guide to Tree Relocation Services in Portland, OR

Jump to: Frequently Asked Questions About Tree Relocation, How Much To Relocate a Tree?, Contact A Tree Moving Company Near You Much like a job, a family, or even your favorite sports team, trees can be uprooted and safely relocated. Typical reasons for tree relocation are when they grow too close to buildings or within […]

Freshly planted tree outside of home

Urban Forest Pro FAQ’s: What are my Options for Replanting my Tree?

Spring is here, and many people are thinking about tree planting, whether to add more shade or to replace trees that have been removed. As Portland certified arborists, we consistently field homeowners’ questions about replanting options. After arranging our Portland tree removal services for a tree lost to winter storm damage or disease, our customers […]

Top 6 Best Fruit Trees to Grow in Portland

Top 6 Best Fruit Trees to Grow in Portland

When selecting the best fruit trees to grow in Portland, homeowners are opting for more natural-looking landscaping rather than the pristine trimmed grass that has long been a staple in landscaping across the United States. Instead, they’d rather diversify their landscaping by choosing plants and trees that are already local to the environment. The best […]

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