Most people are able to recognize the signs of heat stress in people and animals, but heat stress in trees is less recognizable and just as dangerous. Homeowners who live in hot, dry climates should pay special attention to their trees during the summer, especially during the months of July and August. But it can […]
The wintry wet weather has arrived in the Portland metro area, and the leaves are falling. However, that doesn’t mean tree care is not crucial during this time. Today we’re discussing what homeowners can do to prepare their trees for winter. We will also cover winter care for fruit trees, which are a bit more […]
Urban Forest Pro’s arborist, Jeff M, was recently on KOIN 6 news as an expert on Portland tree care. Jeff discussed the implications that the change in weather has for Portland trees. He also advised what to do if your tree has V-shaped splits. In this blog we review Jeff’s advice, focusing on what you […]
The weather in most urban areas of the Pacific Northwest is mild compared to many other parts of the country. It’s often jokingly suggested that the weather here — especially west of the Cascades — falls into just two categories: wet and dry. However, as is usually the case, the reality is a little more […]
In one corner, we have trees. In the other, solar panels. Which one will win in America’s cities? Should we prioritize the urban canopy, or open up spaces to harvest sun power? Well, as Portland certified arborists, we don’t think this has to be a fight. While homeowners may feel they must choose between solar […]
Making the decision to remove a tree can be a difficult one and is at the very least an irreversible one. Trees add value to the enjoyment of our homes and neighborhoods. They also have many environmental benefits. At the same time trees can be dangerous. They can cause damage to our homes and infrastructure […]
It’s a new year, and many of us are thinking about how to take better care of our families and ourselves. But what about our trees? As Portland certified arborists, and tree lovers at heart, we’re here to suggest ways to take exceptional care of your trees in 2015. Taking Care of Your Own Trees […]
Last month, the Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) suspended the licence of an Oregon tree care company for allegedly using a chemical pesticide spray that killed about a thousand bees outside a Eugene apartment complex. The commercial pesticide service ignored or overlooked label instructions not to spray flowering trees. The incident is one of several […]
On January 2nd, a new Portland tree code referred to as “Title 11 Trees” becomes law. This plan places strict guidelines on what kind of trees can be removed and also issues guidelines for pruning heritage trees. Homeowners are required to obtain these permits, but rather than trying to deal with understanding the 15 pages […]
Many of us are familiar with the energy-saving properties of trees in summer. By providing shade, trees can reduce cooling energy costs by 15% to 20%. But trees can also bring significant energy savings in winter, particularly in cold, windy areas, where they can act as a wind blocker. In this post we’re taking a […]