How to prepare your trees for winter

Arborist Tree Care Tips: Preparing Your Trees for Winter

The wintry wet weather has arrived in the Portland metro area, and the leaves are falling. However, that doesn’t mean tree care is not crucial during this time. Today we’re discussing what homeowners can do to prepare their trees for winter. We will also cover winter care for fruit trees, which are a bit more […]


Oregon Bee Deaths Important Lesson in Tree Care

Last month, the Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) suspended the licence of an Oregon tree care company for allegedly using a chemical pesticide spray that killed about a thousand bees outside a Eugene apartment complex. The commercial pesticide service ignored or overlooked label instructions not to spray flowering trees. The incident is one of several […]

Residential Tree Care Services

Portland Tree Permit Series: Take Care of Tree Services Now

On January 2nd, a new Portland tree code referred to as “Title 11 Trees” becomes law. This plan places strict guidelines on what kind of trees can be removed and also issues guidelines for pruning heritage trees. Homeowners are required to obtain these permits, but rather than trying to deal with understanding the 15 pages […]

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