Home » Organic Pest Control
Now that you have a beautiful newly planted tree it is time to master the steps of keeping it that way. The bad news is that for the first 2 years this will take some time and attention on your part, but the good news is that after those 2 years of work your tree […]
Though winter is the most recommended time to prune we are often asked, can you trim trees in the summer? Tree pruning and trimming in the summertime in Portland, Oregon, can provide particular benefits for fruit trees and damaged trees. It can also be advantageous for general tree shaping. The following is a simple guide […]
Do your fruit trees have holey leaves with discolored patches? Do you notice insect exit holes on fruit? If so, there’s a good chance your fruit trees are battling a pest invasion. Worms, squirrels, moths, and other pests can damage fruit trees and destroy crops. While many homeowners resort to pesticide sprays for preventing/fighting fruit […]
Last month, two bald eagles found themselves stuck together in a Portland tree for several hours. Officials from the Audubon Society and Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife arrived to help free them. While seeing one, let alone two, bald eagles in your tree may be a rare occurrence, the environmental problems associated with urban […]
Rachel Carson’s 1962 landmark work Silent Spring spurred a whole generation to take action against DDT pesticides. In that book, Carson showed how careless, widespread pesticide use killed insects and the species that ate them, including many songbirds. Carson also connected pesticides to many cancers. Today, millions of bees die each year. While their demise […]
Last month, the Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) suspended the licence of an Oregon tree care company for allegedly using a chemical pesticide spray that killed about a thousand bees outside a Eugene apartment complex. The commercial pesticide service ignored or overlooked label instructions not to spray flowering trees. The incident is one of several […]
Fall is here, Jack-o-lanterns are aglow, and everyone’s looking for a good scare. As Portland certified arborists, we’re always on the lookout for a certain type of creepy-crawlies—the pests that plague trees. Insect pests can cause tree disease and death, costing thousands of dollars every year in tree treatment and replacement. Damaging insects are generally […]
Winter is on its way, but that won’t stop pests from trying to make their homes in the cracks and crevices of your trees. In this post we focus on Portland tree care and tree pest control in general. We provide tips on how to help trees resist pests, especially over the fall and winter […]
Homeowners who arrange for Portland tree services are often shocked by standard instructions to keep kids and pets inside, to prevent potentially hazardous chemical exposure. Why spray something on a beloved tree that could harm your family? Our Portland ISA-certified arborists wondered the same thing. After years of experience identifying tree pests and using a […]