Home » Emergency Tree Service
Jump to:Why Sudden Limb Drop Occurs, Tips to Prevent Sudden Limb Drop, Contact Us, Reviews Picture this: You’re walking through the forest on a hot, still day. Suddenly, you hear a popping sound, and then a huge branch drops just beyond your reach. After thanking your lucky stars that you weren’t crushed, you wonder why […]
Storms are a fact of life in the Portland and Vancouver areas. Snowstorms, rain storms, wind storms – they make the news, can disrupt our lives, and occasionally knock down trees. And when they do, the safest thing to do is call a tree service company experienced in emergency tree removal. If you haven’t dealt […]
Recent storms have left many Portland trees in a sad state. High winds and ice storms often break branches, opening the tree to disease. Moreover, maelstroms may knock down entire trees—as one unfortunate cyclist recently learned in downtown Portland, when a tree fell on her. In this post, we take a look at what to […]
When most of us think about environmental hazards, our minds are drawn to the weather (floods, storms, etc). But often, that weather is part of what causes a less-thought-of danger: falling trees. Trees do way much more good than bad, but if not looked after, they can also cause serious damage when branches or whole […]
This winter has brought flooding to many parts of the Pacific Northwest. We are on the cusp of setting a new record for the wettest December in Oregon. When flooding happens, it affects plants in different ways. In this post as a Portland tree services company are going to take a look at the effects […]
It’s something you hope never happens, but in a city and area renowned for its trees, sooner or later a tree may fall on your house. What you do next in the pursuit of emergency tree service is crucial. In order of importance, here are the 5 things to do if a tree ever falls […]
As Portland tree removal experts, we’re highly attuned to each maelstrom that tears through the Rose City. Each gust makes us wonder how many gargantuan trees will be sent tumbling onto driveways, roadways, and roofs. Fallen trees threaten structures and pose safety hazards. While we don’t relish the sight of a beautiful tree pulled up […]