Urban Forest Pro Tree Removal Cost in Portland OR

How Much Does Tree Removal Cost in Portland, Oregon?

Jump to: Average Cost of Tree Removal, Contact Us, Reviews If you are trying to do some research to determine the average cost of tree removal in the Portland, Oregon area, you might find that the prices vary. There is not always a “one size fits all” for a tree removal price, because it depends […]

Portland trees near power lines

Trees and Power Lines in Portland, OR: What You Need to Know

TL;DR: Trees near power lines pose safety risks, and responsibility for trimming them falls on utility companies. Homeowners should never attempt to trim trees near power lines themselves—contact the electric company or a certified arborist instead. Follow safety precautions, such as the 10-foot rule, avoiding ladders near power lines, and preventing children from climbing trees […]

Neighbor Tree Damage: Who Pays?

TL;DR Who’s liable for tree damage? Generally, homeowners are responsible for damage caused by their trees. Healthy tree falls on your house: Your homeowner’s insurance likely covers it. Healthy tree falls on neighbor’s house: Their homeowner’s insurance likely covers it. Unhealthy tree falls: You could be liable if the damage was preventable with proper maintenance. […]

Having Tree Work Done: How to Prepare & What to Expect

Having Tree Work Done: How to Prepare & What to Expect

Preparing: Parking:  Reserving parking is the responsibility of the client unless otherwise stated in your estimate the crew will need about 3 regular parking spaces in front of the your property for their truck and chipper and will need any trees to be worked on to be free of cars beneath them.  If work is being done […]


A Guide to Tree Relocation Services in Portland, OR

Jump to: Frequently Asked Questions About Tree Relocation, How Much To Relocate a Tree?, Contact A Tree Moving Company Near You Much like a job, a family, or even your favorite sports team, trees can be uprooted and safely relocated. Typical reasons for tree relocation are when they grow too close to buildings or within […]

tree laying on house and car after storm

What to do When a Tree Falls on Your House or Property

Storms are a fact of life in the Portland and Vancouver areas. Snowstorms, rain storms, wind storms – they make the news, can disrupt our lives, and occasionally knock down trees. And when they do, the safest thing to do is call a tree service company experienced in emergency tree removal. If you haven’t dealt […]

Urban Forest Pro tree removal services

Portland Tree Permit Series: Permit Required for Private Properties

Starting in January 2015, most Portland tree removal projects will require a permit, in accordance with the city’s new Title 11 tree legislation. The Title 11 Tree Plan (or the Citywide Tree Policy Review and Regulatory Improvement Project as it is formally known) was passed in 2011, but full implementation was postponed until 2015. Title […]

Constrcution near urban trees

Negative Impacts of Construction on Living Tree Health

Driving around the Rose City, it’s easy to surmise that construction is up. According to Barry and Associates, 9,300 apartments have been built in the Portland area since 2013. And more than 20,000 more units have been proposed or are currently under construction. Any thriving urban landscape is perpetually changing, and Portland’s new edifices bode […]

How to prepare your trees for winter

Arborist Tree Care Tips: Preparing Your Trees for Winter

The wintry wet weather has arrived in the Portland metro area, and the leaves are falling. However, that doesn’t mean tree care is not crucial during this time. Today we’re discussing what homeowners can do to prepare their trees for winter. We will also cover winter care for fruit trees, which are a bit more […]

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