Schedule an Appointment

Schedule an Appointment

Hi Lisa,

There are 3 ways to install this.

1> We can use a tab that pops out of the screen, screen to the right. Their documentation doesn't suggest this can be altered in how and where is appears but their tech support sounds like they might entertain the idea if we open a support ticket. I'm kinda thinking a button not anchored to the side of the page would be nice and just load the form in a modal window.


2> we can embed a button that launches the scheduler in a modal window like this:

(I'm sure we can make the button look better. this is their styling out of the box)


3> we can embed it using their IFRAME as shown below.

Please check this page out on desktop, mobile, tablet and let me know which way you think is best and we'll keep the winner.

' ); $( ".site-footer" ).before( '
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' ); $('.page-id-95 #secondary').each(function() { $(this).insertBefore( $(this).prev('.page-id-95 #primary') ); }); });